Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

After researching the controversy surrounding The Interview and the Sony hack, it's time to think about how to format my project.

1.  What genre will I commit to? And why?

For project one, I've chose the quick reference guide. This genre is ideal for succinctly explaining a controversy. If I needed to make a specific argument, an essay might be better. But since I'm telling a story as objectively as possible, I think the quick reference guide is more palatable. Readers can get the big picture without reading five pages of unbroken text.  

2. What genre conventions will I develop in production week? How will these conventions aid my purpose?

Once I have a general outline of the facts, I need to figure out how to divide them into portion-sized sections. One of the key conventions of the quick reference guide is the use of questions to introduce the next section. If one simply scans through the guide and reads only the bold question markers, that individual should still have a very good idea of what the quick reference guide is about. Part of my work this week will be to develop appropriate questions to structure the guide. This will help readers know exactly what to expect and look for as they read. 

Another needed convention is images. Good quick reference guides have pictures, charts, graphs, twitter posts, etc. The purpose of images is to help present factual data in a quick and comprehensible manner. They also allow the reader to connect with the text, to see real figures or pictures pertinent to the debate. This week I will need to find good quick-reference-guide images. 

3. How do I feel?

Melanie. "Dog, Sleeping, Resting, Rest, Canine, Tired, Sleepy" 6/15/2012 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License 
Tired. This week's workload (including but not limited to 109H) was heavier than anticipated, and I still feel I need to do more research. It will be a challenge to balance other class assignments this week while granting 109H its desires. 

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